_Philippians 4:13_

 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

      Even to the beam of humanity, scientist can never find out all that God has endowed in a human being. May be they can try up to 70% or maybe 85% perhaps 90%...but not 100%.
There is alot that is in you that God has put there for you to explore. 

You were created as wise and as intelligent; above all creatures on earth. Whatever challenge you face is not supposed to rule you, you are supposed to rule.  
The verse within scripture says that " I can do everything....."; It strongly means that nothing is left out on what can be done. Everything means all things. Whatever you can dream doing....you can do. Whatever you see others doing, you can do. Whatever you heard that people did in the past times, you can do. There is no limit to what you can do in all the possibilities God has given humans. If others have gone beyond the horizon, then You too can go beyond the horizon. You were wonderfully created. You were created as God's master piece. God carefully created you. To all other creations He spoke His word and they were made; but you - His chosen one, He came down to mold you with care and greater concern. You are carefully made. But, ... did you know that there is alot more you can do than you have found out of late? Yes....there is more than you know. 

Christ who came for our sake opened doors of more possibilities. He chose us to use us. Through His power, you can conquer, you can win, you can run beyond the horizon. 
Don't be shy....hmmmm....step into the light and try that idea that you have. He that lives in you is greater than He that lives in the world. You can do all things. Try the dream. If you failed at once, failure is one way of learning, try again. If Christ is for you nothing will go against you in Jesus name.

                 _GOD BLESS YOU_

# Simon kutosi  
                                  _93th msg_


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