_Deuteronomy 28:6_

You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.
      There is more than imaginable that God has prepared for those He call His. There is a basket of unshakable blessings that God has in store.
The blessing of the Lord would just flow on anyone if they were meant for anyone.

But because not everyone receives them at the same time, there is a measure that is used to pour out the blessing.
There is something that you ought to do to receive them. You need to believe that what you do for the sake of the name of the Lord is rewarding you blessing. The point here is believing that the blessing is already here.
 God , many of the times demanded people to show their faith in Him where they needed His hand of help. Whenever Jesus wanted to heal the sick, He demanded faith and believe that He is able to accomplish all that that they asked for .
It is belief that opens wide the flood Gates of heaven to out such blessings that you can't keep them alone. It is belief that prompts God's spirit to work spontaneously in your life.

Believe that the word of God you read now within scripture is gaining more blessing. Believe that obeying the word of God is gaining you blessing. Believe that your going to the house of the Lord every time you are called is gaining you blessing. Believe believe..... believe that everything that you do for God's sake is rewards. Rewarding you when you come in and when you go out. Rewarding in all parts of the that whatever part of the world you can go to, you will still meet God's blessings there.. waiting for you. That even when you are in the village, you are blessed...that even when you are in town you are blessed. Where people call cursed Dominion, cursed business, you are blessed.

Blessings follow those who believe with all their hearts. Don't withhold the promises of God by not believing that He can accomplish all that He has promised. Open your heart and believe in God's divine doors.

                 _GOD BLESS YOU_

# Simon kutosi
                                  _95th msg_


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