_Hebrew 4:12_ 
     For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

      In the beginning God used His powerful word to create all that we see. His word made the mountains and dried the water to form dry land. His word created all the living creatures that we see . It created all the green land.

However, it is the same power in the words that destroyed the disobedient. It was sent to open ground to swallow the disoriented...those that didn't follow the word according to Creeds.

The word of God has enormous power. It has power beyond our imagination. Imagining how words are spoken and things appear and form into creatures is beyond human knowledge. You like it or not it is beyond human understanding.

However, The children of God are previleged; we swim left and right through godliness in Christ Jesus and have been given privilege to use the might word for God for the good of our lives. The word is within scripture. It is within your heart as the spirit speaks. God has made promises in your...-.that is His word. The power in such promises should not be taken for granted.

Speak this word to the areas of your life that are dead. Speak the word to areas of your life that are miserable. Speak to the sick. Speak to the mountains and they will move. 
Elijah was told to speak to the dry bones...and we see how flesh came onto the dry bones. There are dry bones in your life that need you to speak flesh.

The word of God is fleshed with His Spirit and that wherever it lands, it bears fruit. Within scripture, it is said that God's word will never go back unless it accomplishes that that it was sent for. 
Children of the most high, He that lives in you is greater than he that lives in the world. Whatever you speak that is from deep within your spirit, is of God... because you are His son and daughter. Speak that powerful word now...and flesh will cover bone... Amen

                 _GOD BLESS YOU_

# Simon kutosi
                                  _92th msg_


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