_Psalms 41:3._
When they are sick, God will restore them, lying upon their bed of suffering. He will raise them up again and restore them back to health.

    When a mother gives birth to her child, she gives it much attention. She cares for the child day and night till the child grows up. An even when they grow up, she takes care of them as much as she can. She never abandons them. 
God understands every single creature that He Himself put on earth. He knows the most precious.

There is nothing on earth that is more precious before God than you.
You are more than gold before the eyes of your creator. He knows nothing as precious as you that He Himself created in His own image. 

Because of such preciousness He cares about you and for you day and night. He thinks about you all the time. He plans for you all the time. As you sleep He takes care. As you become sickly, He thinks of the best medicine to heal you. As you think you are suffering beyond measure, He is busy looking for the best solution to all your troubles.
You are restored, whatever the challenge, God has the solution. Before you became sick , He knew it and knew where best to get your solution. You are already healed. 
Just one thing that He desires of pray with faith without tiring. Speak to Him with an oozing voice of deeper sincerity. Cry unto Him and He will show you all that you desire to know. He will open the doors that you desire to open. 
He is your God and you are His precious child. 

                 GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi 
                                  _88th msg_


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