_Romans 8: 31_ 
What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?
       If there is one privilege to be proud of as a child of the most high, it is the fact that God fights for those He calls His. He is always there for you.

The time Christ went to heaven was the time He started to mediate for you. He is always fighting the battles that you know and the battles that you don't know. He is your spokesperson in the presence of the almighty God. 
He has with Him mighty and strong angels that all plan and fight on your behalf. The Bible says that the devil goes round the earth to seek for whom to destroy. And that his work is to steal, kill and to destroy. He is at work day and night. Have you ever wondered how you have lived on till this time without being destroyed...since the devil is at work day and night,;....the answer is because someone is fighting the battles for you. 

Therefore, with such a great cloud of warriors all fighting for us the chosen ones of God, there can't be one person against us. You need to yield your faith to such fact. You need to believe. Believe that if God is for you, nobody,...I mean no one can be against you . Those who come against you will fall by their own weight an flee in seven different directions.

God is for you. He created you and He loves you. He therefore never wishes you to suffer. He knows all the suffering that you may be going through. But there is a way that He has for you through that suffering.
Sickness will not come against you and win. Disease and any sort of infirmity will not come against you and win. Wars will not come against you and win. Poverty will not come against you and win. 

The God that is for you is a God of abundance. He is the God of gold and silver. He owns all that you desire. If He is for you ,you will own all that you desire. Just believe in Him. Rise your faith to it's beam and have it in Him. He is always faithful and will always fight the battles. 
Just like the Israelites, stand still today, believe in God and ,"battles are His and victories are yours.

                 _GOD BLESS YOU_

# Simon kutosi 
                                  _98th msg_


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