_Luke 8:15_
But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.

      The resources of the spirit go out. They have been spread to the ends of the earth. Almost everywhere and everyone has them. The word is preached. Ministries are established. The seeds have been sown.

 It is not how much that is available that will save you from danger. There is something that you need to do to yourself to make the best out of all the abundance of the spiritual resources.
One of the best things that one needs to consume the resources of the Spirit to the fullest is the heart that is fertile.

You need to have the fertile heart; a heart on which - if the seeds of the spirit are sown, they will grow fast and bear fruits fast. The fruit will not have defect or disease. They will be fruits that anyone can enjoy eating. Fruits that God is pleased with. The heart that is able to retain the word and not go away from it.

The fertile heart is not just made from magic incantations or from mere words. Besides you praying to God to have the fertile heart, you need to embrace the characters that produce a fertile heart . You need to embrace perseverance. Perseverance enables the heart to retain the seeds that are sown to it. It enables the heart to absorb with much care; the word that comes from the mouth of God. You need to embrace patience. Waiting a little longer is one thing that grounds the seeds sown to the heart . Patience enables knowledge to flow to the very bottom and to every corner of the heart that it is needed. It enables the seeds to grow smoothly without defect. 
To have a fertile heart, you need tolerance, love for the word and love for others, you need kindness, wisdom, ; need the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

The spirit is out here speaking. You need to grab your tools and listen carefully. You need to build yourself to absorb all that is given by the spirit. Develop a heart that is fertile...and bear better fruits.

                 _GOD BLESS YOU_

# Simon kutosi
                                  _94th msg_


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