_Romans 12:3_ 

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
      When God created man, He didn't make him perfect. There is imperfection that He left within flesh. It is something to test your loyalty to your maker. 
The devil has come out in all sorts of array to stimulate the imperfection that was left thriving in man. He started with Adam and Eve; to draw out the imperfection of disobedience through genes of curiosity. And he has followed up diligently to the generations that preceded.

The devil has, in his broad band of intelligence, set up all forms of desire that is sin to God....our maker. In all sorts of fashion....he has made it.
When the word of God within scripture says that don't conform, it means the Spirit clearly knows there is ,; 1. standards of the world that are controversial to the standards of God- our maker. 2. He knows clearly that your flesh is capable of inclining and accepting the standards of the world. But to please your maker, you should no longer follow the standard of the world. "No longer" means that you may have been following,...but it's high time you stopped that. 

And that you can do that, "stopping to follow", by transforming your mind. Renewing or transforming takes time for you to realise change. Day by day you start to think of the things that please God rather than the things that please the world.... until you reach a point of nolonger thinking about the worldly standards. Day by day, you renew your mind. By so doing, you will be able to test and approve the will of God. You cannot approve God's will without transforming your mind from the past sinful life to a new life that is Christlike. God's promises in your life will need a total transformation of your mind so that they see light.

Let go of all the sinful desire. Be addicted to the desire of the holy Spirit. Let go of all immorality....and live with your body pure and as living sacrifice. 
Some people may say that God never considers the body and that He looks at the heart. It is simply a human norm that Patriots the mind to help you confirm to some standards without mental judgement. You simply want to feel free doing somethings. God created your body, your soul and your spirit. He is more supreme than you can ever imagine. Every single digit that makes up you is very important to God. The way He needs your soul pure is the same way He needs your spirit pure is the same way He needs your body pure. Don't begin telling Him what He should consider pure and what shouldn't matter. He made it all...and desires it in the form He says He needs it. If He says your dress code, you talk, your food, your conduct shouldn't match the standard of this world, please He means what He says. If He say this or that is sinful, don't try to fix more words in His mouth. Do as He pleases.

Renew your self and see how much will be opened as far as the promises of God are concerned in your life.

                 _GOD BLESS YOU_

# Simon kutosi  
                                  _97th msg_


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