2 Timothy 2:20

 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. 21 If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.
The heart is like a piece of clay. It can be molded and be made into what is desired. It can be made clay. It can be made wood. It can be made gold. It is upon someone to decide which making fits a desired purpose.

Wood is something good, but it cannot be used to hold strong houses...rather it can be used to make simple things. Clay too is good , but it is used to make simple things and not hold strong things. However, there is a part of the strong house where clay is used to fit the purpose; and there is also a part of the house where wood is used to make the purpose come to pass.

Strong purposes need strong materials and lesser purposes need lesser materials.
You as a child of God have a strong purpose. You have a strong end. There is a mighty destiny. There is a future that is beyond the now. This clearly means that you need to be gold. You need not to be wood. You need to be the strong kind. The house that you sit in and take charge is a strong house. You need to be strong. Your family needs you to be gold to take charge. Your children need you to be gold to take charge. You need to be the strong kind.

The heart being the material in question...;there are things that make it gold. Like the Bible has said,  if a man cleanses himself.....he will be an instrument of noble purpose, made holy...and useful to the master and prepared to do any good work; that means purity is first thing in the journey of being the golden noble. You need to cleanse from the past and live a life that is pleasing to God. You need to leave the iniquities and sins to be gold. 

Besides that you have to embrace patience that strengthens the heart. Patience is painful. What really pains really builds. It builds you into strong. Embrace perseverance, love tolerant with any situation. If you want to be the noble kind to do anything like the Bible has said, you need to be tolerant in any situation. 
Feed your heart to grow and be the golden noble. Which kind are you...are you clay,...that is easily broken with small situations?. Are you wood that gets spoilt easily.? Or are you the gold?

                 GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi 
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