1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
When there was darkness, He called out the light and it the
 Beginning . He called it for a purpose. The light had a role to play that the darkness couldn't play. 

Chosen means few out of many. We cannot say the chosen many. They are always few. The greatest men of this world are few out of the many. The very elites of this world are few out many. They are chose to complete great roles that the many haven't completed.
You as the chosen one have been picked from the many. It means you are extraordinary. You are unique. The part that you need to make whole is awaiting. You have been chosen for a reason.

There is more in you that is not in the world. The world has its darkness that it dwells in that you need to make light. There are special Bunches of Golden eggs in your chest that the world needs. You are royalty.
Your very existence makes a difference each day. Never underestimate yourself. Never think you are nothing. The world is still standing because of a priesthood that still prevails. If all the holy nation of God was no more in this world be sure the world would have ended. 
Your family is still standing because of you. Your world is still breathing because of you. Your community is still there because of you. You are a people belonging to God. 

Out of so many, you have been made cream...that gives maximum utility for those who choose to feed on. The seed of greatness that is you is unequalled to the world. He that leaves in you is not equalled to that in the World.
 Speak life in every area of your have the power. Spark light in all corners of your territory. Declare the praises of the almighty father.
The names that people had given unto you nolonger work. God has given you a new name.... priesthood.... royalty....holy nation... children of God. They thought you were a perpetual failure and had no way forward. But now you are are the light that they need. 
In all you do. Be the difference that people desire. In every area of your moves, be the kind of person that people desire. Let the golden eggs sparkle out of your chest. Throw out the eternal seeds that produce infinite fruits from trees of life. There is nothing that is beyond you in this earthly life....for you were called to rule in priesthood.

                 GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi 
                                  112th msg


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