James 1:22

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
Jesus walked by the sea He saw Peter and the brother and called unto them. He needed them to be His disciples. He continued doing the same and brought 12 people together. The people who were purely ignorant about Him as God and His beautiful word. He didn't develope their faith through charms of extraterrestrial magic and powers of higher realms. He spoke and their faith grew. It was through hearing that the disciples of Jesus became the apostles of Jesus. They were also sent to Minister as away of exercising the word. They did not just listen but also did what it says.

The apostles did the same ; they taught and built a church, whose faith came by hearing. They listened, understood and did what the word said.

How many times have you heard the word but have never done what it says. It was a funny moment, there was a moment a preacher taught strongly about something. Members were strongly moved and everyone was shouting amen. The floor was hot because of the message. After the service, I interacted with one member who seemed to be moved by the word. To my surprise, the response of the person showed that he left all the hot air of the sermon in church and he was bitting his life the way he is used to. This clearly showed me that many people are oxygenated during the sermons while in church and forget it all there - right in their seats. They move on with their life without picking the lessons they learnt from there.

Many of us believe that the way we run our lives is because of our intelligent and tricky styles. We forget that God is involved. This kind of thinking has made people to never use what they learn practically in their lives. They think church is an auditorium where you are simply refreshed and try to forget about your trouble; but when you move out, move on in the tricks you are used to . 

What the Lord speaks to you during service and here within scripture is what He is telling you to do with your life. He is not just telling you just to comfort your soul or to remove the bad gas from your atmosphere of life. He is telling you what your life is and what you should do better next time. 

We can't grow our faith if we continued that way. Our faith will grow from hearing the word and putting it into practice. You listen and try to do what it says until you perfect. Our faith comes by hearing the word. Listen carefully.
Take in everything. The power of God is not only manifested in strange ways like lightning or misterious happenings. It is also manifested through the word. There is power in listening. Your heart needs the spiritual food. If you take your notes during a service, carefully go through your key points and think of how they apply to your life. Apply the message. It is medicine to the broken hearted. It is healing to the sick. It is wisdom to the ignorant. The message of God is powerful. Every time you listen the spirit speaks. Every time the spirit speaks, He speaks wisdom. Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  123th msg


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