Job 34:33

Should God then reward you on your terms,
when you refuse to repent?
You must decide, not I;
The line that cuts between spiritual darkness and spiritual light is never mingled. Turning from one side means loss on the other side and turning to the other side also means loss on the former.

Whenever we dwell in darkness, the spirit of God never dwells in us. What becomes of us is not done by the spirit. We loose all that the spirit had built with us. The evil one starts to take advantage and dictation on our lives.

Repentance is not just a matter of speaking words "forgive... forgive" . It means something more than mere words. It begins by submitting that you truely went astray and that you indeed did the wrong. Many times we think we are perfect and that saying that we did wrong makes us less. That is an assumption and not the bitter truth. The truth is you are not perfect. And saying that you went wrong doesn't bring you low. It is actually a sign of a strong and willing heart.

Accepting that you have done the wrong stimulates the spirit of God - who is perfect to enter the imperfect you. On acknowledging this , you break down all arrogance and seek for God's redemption through his forgiveness. True repentance then means you then decide to leave all the iniquity that caused sin and start to follow the dictation of the holy spirit.
You start a new way of living and leave the rotten way. you start a new way of thinking and stop the olden rotten way. You start to speak holy and leave all the filthy talks.

Many times we have lost the opportunity of God's spirit living and working with us because we don't truely repent. True repentance brings the promises of God into full play. It enables us to bear better fruits with the aid of the holy Spirit. Job in the scripture was asking a question,... should God then reward you on your terms....yet you refuse to repent. The terms are the blessings that follow us when we do what attracts blessings. But refusing to repent never lets God pour out these blessings. He therefore rewards us when there is true repentance. Pour out your heart today and let God empty all iniquity. Let him wash out and fill in His own. For His own is holy and pleasing.

                 _GOD BLESS YOU_

# Simon kutosi 
                                  _105th msg_


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