Isaiah 35:4

say to those with fearful hearts,
“Be strong, do not fear;
your God will come,
he will come with vengeance;
with divine retribution
he will come to save you.”
Many times, we have had people that push us to the ground. They spit unearthly words to us. They intimidate us in all kinds of ways. 

There is no thing as something for nothing...or nothing for something. What you sow is what you reap. Those in light sow seeds of light and those in darkness sow seeds of darkness. The seeds will have to germinate either to destroy or to build.
Whatever people do to go against you will definitely be paid back. There is a God that sits above the universe and views everything. He knows the right time to take vengeance. Whether the time is now or the time is later, He will surely take vengeance on those that press you hard to the ground. They will not die out not untill they see you prevail.

 Formulas are very simple. Their presence alone solves the matter. The formula is here; - God lifts the humble and brings down the proud. It is that simple. Don't drag your mind around as you wonder why the pride seem prevailing. The time is not yet ripe. They will have to come down.

Let not fear grasp your heart because of whatever goes against you. Don't lose your faith in God because of the actions of others. Every person has their own opinion. But whatever the opinion, formulas applied will bring justice to everything and absolute balance. Either their actions and opinion is to the left or to the right. God's formulas are just. God's hand is alive and just. Vengeance will be taken on those that don't fall in right tracks.

Whatever the enemy has taken from your life will surely come back. The devil thought that he was done with job. He thought that job will not get anything in return. Little did he know that Job received back all that he lost and yet much more than the former. God took vengeance on his enemies. Some of them had to come back to job to seek for repentance. God is alive and watches.
It is not in your power to seek that your enemies are paid what their evil deeds deserve. There is a much greater power of an infinite intelligence that knows it all. The time will be right when all you lost is back and your enemies are down....for our God is a God of vengeance.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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