Jeremiah 18:6

“O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.
The king of light, is your maker . You are his making. He is the engineer, you are His idea.

Many times, we try to make ourselves beyond what we are supposed to be. We try to build even where we are not supposed to. There is a part that God plays in your life. The creation was not the end of God's ideas, He still has more ideas. He still has more that He thinks you to be. 

There is a part that you should build but there is a part that He is responsible for pottery. You need not to compete in making what He should make.
 Let God mold you into what He thinks you should be. Let not the world mold you , let not people mold you into what they think you should be. Let not your heart deceive you that you can make this day all by yourself. Let not your conscience tilt you to believe that your life is all about your mold. There is a potter beyond. He is seated in the heavenly realms. He knows the best that you need. Give out your heart today to be molded. Give out your soul today to be made new. He has the answers to all your questions , you need to be made new. You need to be molded in the right way. Just release this heart and yield to God for whatever He may desire of it.

Let God mold you into love. Let Him mold you into kindness. Let Him mold you into holiness. Let Him cut off pieces that never make a good mold. Those pieces that are iniquity and sin, let Him chizle out the excess pieces that you never need in your life.
There are people who have become a stone in the shoe of your life, never worry God the potter can chizle out. There are words that have become nothing but Poison, God will chizle. Yield yourself to Him. 

The mold is golden. What becomes the sculpture is Crystal and beautiful. God is a wonderful creator. He has not ended with creation. He still creates. There are secondary creations that God makes and should make some in you. Let Him tune you to frequencies that you should be on. Let Him get you to realms that you should in. He is the might potter.

                 GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  120th msg


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