_Psalms 100:5_ 
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.

 _Jeremiah 29:11_ 
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
"GOD IS GOOD....ALL THE TIME. ALL THE TIME?...GOD IS GOOD AND THAT IS HIS NATURE " . It looks obvious, right. It is an obvious phrase the we make yet don't draw out the essence in their nature.

God is good ....and yet it's all the time.
When you are happy, God is good. When you are not happy, God is good. When you are sick, God is good. When are healthy. He is still good. He is always God and will always be.
Challenges may strike you to your knees. That doesn't make God not the same good God when you were happy. He still has the same strength of the smile that He had when you were rejoicing. As for you, because of the challenge you face now, your facial chicks have found a leave into the Jaws and contours have run across the forehead; you think God is no longer as good as He was the other time you last had super.

The glories of our might God never change. The plan that He had with you from the beginning is still with Him. It is with Him in the same strength as that of the first time. He still looks at you the same way He did when you were having plenty of food on table. He still sees a green future in you . He is still hopeful about you the same way He was when you were happy. The Bible says that He is the same God, today ,yesterday and forever. 

" God is good all the time", means that amidst the challenges He is there - the same God, amidst the valley of seemingly endless shadows ,He is there - the same God , on the highest pick of the mountain that is in your life , He is there...the same God. 

Never think God has forgotten all about you. Never choose to forget Him even when there are challenges.... because He never forgets about you. As you sing that He is the same God yesterday, today and forever, be sure you love Him today and forever. The plans He has for you never blur. They are strong and steadfast. He is faithful through all generations.

                 _GOD BLESS YOU_

# Simon kutosi  
                                  _104th msg_


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