Ephesians 5:1

Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
The much God has done from the beginning till now is because of the love He had. He made us in His image because of love. He sent His son to die for our sins because of love. 

Even when Christ lived on earth, the much that He did , He did all out of love. We have lived on with life till now because of the unending love of the father. He first loved us. The devil looks for whom to destroy. But have you ever wondered why you still live on; it is because God still loves you. He still wants you to do what is right and what is pleasing to Him.

It is therefore very clear that what was all made was from love and that what is made comes from love. The great men and women accomplished whatever they accomplished from love. It is love that is the reason for their moves. It is love that motivated them to take challenges and overcome. 
You will therefore bring your life from where you are to where our want it to be by love.

We can't live to please God to the fullest without embracing love in our hearts. God loves us, He therefore wants us to also love our neighbors. He need us to love what He brought on us as salvation through Christ His only begotten son. 

Love is not a mere say of empty words that haven't any deeds. It is complete when deeds are besides. To show that you love your neighbor as you love yourself, give a helping hand to them when they are in times of need. Let your hands be a stream that flows by charity to help those that are in need.

Live by love. Speak by love. Minister by love. Walk by love. Doing what is right before God and being careful to follow all that is written in His book is doing that by love. Love is above everything.  Being imitators of God is being persons of love. Just as Christ loved you, love those need to be loved.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi
                                  116th msg


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