2 Timothy 3:16

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work
Because of unending urge to satisfy given bodily desires, many have come up with claims as to why some corners of the Bible nolonger work and as to why others are still at work.

They have used scripture to deviate from what is true to what satisfies flesh. Anyway the devil used scripture to defend his point against Jesus. It is no surprise that those who advocate for sinful acts in talk, dressing, food and all sorts of sexual immorality use scripture to affirm their claims. The devil the father of sin used the same lane. And he still uses the same lane on the road map to destruction.

The very important words to get held of are " ALL SCRIPTURE", " USEFUL".
All means nothing is left behind. Everything is included. Useful means that all of these is for... teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
It means that every single word that was spoke of God is useful. It should not be under looked or undermined as old and as outdated. 

God in His greatness is supreme. He is supreme above our understanding...that is why He is God. He cannot come up with claims of saying this is sin or that is sin and then tomorrow is the same God who says my grace is sufficient, I didn't mean to say that that is sin. He cannot wake up one day and think that what He considered as sinful before has been disqualified by humans and now He has changed His mind 

The Bible clearly says that God is not a man to lie or a son of man to change His mind. Christ in writing said that He didn't come to wipe away what was considered scripture...rather He came to fulfill it. That claim enough shows you that every scripture is still standing, either in the old testament or the new testament. God is the same God and His word is still the same word. He never changes and He will never change. What He said, he will do much more. What He said will not go by without having accomplished what He purposed it for. He is the same God of all times. 
It better to be a humble follower of Christ and end up in His glorious heaven than to be a spokesperson of the biblical debating club yet end up in hell. Hell is real my dear. Work on this Earth while knowing you have a life to live elsewhere and for eternity. The earth is a testing ground to sort those who fit where. Let nothing slide you from Christ. Let not the things of this world snatch you from the love of the almighty God. Seek the worldly things for the glory of God. Let scripture build you day by day. Be equiped with the word and don't let anyone deceive you. He is the same God and same word.

                 GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi 
                                  _108th msg_


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