Ephesians 6:10

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Soldiers that go for war never go empty. They never go swinging hands without anything that aids in fight.

In as much as the Bible says that put on the full armor, this means clearly that there is war that you need to fight as a Christian. It means that becoming a Christian is setting a battle field for war.

We therefore need to put on the armor that will enable us to overcome during these wars. These wars happen day by day. But one thing we have to know is that we cannot fight them all by ourselves and win. We therefore need salvation of Christ. You need to put on the helmet of salvation. It is salvation that will rescue you when you cannot. It is salvation that will snatch you from the fangs of the evil one. The evil one moves to and fro the earth to look for destruction, it means as you sleep, he is look for destruction. Salvation will rescue you from the pits of evil.

Truth is one thing that defines righteousness. It defines a true child of God. Speak the truth. Be true. Let your heart be true. If you went wrong, be true to yourself and repent to God. Speaking the truth will save you when the enemy accuses you day after day before God. 
The Bible says that without holiness, no one shall see God, let righteousness prevail. Do what is right in the eyes of God. Love your neighbor as you love yourself, that is right. Righteousness being a breastplate will shield your heart from the arrows of the enemy. It will shield your soul from the deception of the evil one.

Be ready. Be ready through the gospel. Put on your shoes that come from the readiness of the gospel. 
Let the word of God never leave your heart. It is a sword that tears apart the blocks of evil.
Read your Bible and strengthen the sword every day.
As you read and hear the word, let faith affirm your hearing. Faith as a shield against the arrows of evil will shield the whole of you . Have faith in God and in His word.
Let not the evil times toss you around. There is power beyond limit that you have. Be strong in the Lord. The struggle is against the darkness of this world. Let not your heart be deceived but let it be strenthened day by day from what comes within scripture.

                  GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  119th msg


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