Acts 4:12 

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”
Different people from different places from different cultures have drawn different things from which they think they can be saved. Some have called on different names to save them. To some extent, others have used biblical names to draw lines of salvation for themselves.

It is not the names someone draws for themselves that saves them. It could be names of other heroes in the Bible....but using their names to get salvation is not what brings salvation to men.
There is only one name that saves. It is the name of JESUS. IT IS JESUS CHRIST. Call any name in prayer, you will not be saved. Use any name to seek for refugee, you will not be saved. You may call on the name of the mother of Jesus. You may call the name of Moses. You may call the name of your mother or the name of your father, you will not be saved. Within scripture, it is clear. For there is no other name under the heavens given to men by which they must be saved. It is only one name. 

The name of Jesus has the power to heal. There is power beyond our mind. The name is misterious and is alive. It is above all our challenges. It is beyond our future. 
God has made it special that it stands alone. He could have given us more names to use to seek for salvation. He could have multiplied the names by which we are saved. But He didn't. He sent His only begotten son to save the world out of His love. The son came for our sake because of His unending love towards us. Leaving the earth didn't mean He left us as orphans. He left us with something special. ...More special than gold. Besides having left us with His spirit, He left us with His name...the powerful name. The name was not given power just because the beholder is powerful. It was given power to save us all. 

Whatever you are going through my dear brother, my dear on His name and you will be saved. It is one button that He has set besides you. It is like an alarm button. The devil cannot play around you if you are empowered by the name of Jesus. The name is fire that destroys. It is medicine that heals. You are not alone. You have the rightful tool to use....the name JESUS CHRIST.

                 GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi
                                  110th msg


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