Matthew 18:18

“I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
The tongue is like a spark in the forest. It is capable of ruining and bringing down the whole forest without leaving a trace. 
Many times , we have used our tongues for the wrong more than for the good. Just to have an example, whenever you do something good, people rarely appreciate. But the time you do something bad, words will fly from all directions.
Even to our children, many times we respond when they do something bad and don't respond at all when they do something good. We simply look on. The responding when something bad is done is always harsh and the words are unearthly.

This means that somewhere, we incline more to negativity than appreciating what is positive. And for that matter, many have used the tongue more when they speak negatives than when they speak positive.

Much of our lives is not brought about by luck or unearthly forces. Much of it is brought by the things that we do. The way we speak has a greater role in shaping our lives. And as for we who are chosen as royalty in godliness, our tongues have more power to cause and to destroy.

There is power in your word.

We should by all means learn how to use our words wisely and for the better rather than for the worse. Christ, while leaving the earth gave us authority. One of it is that whatever we bind on earth is also bound in heaven. And that whatever we loose on earth is also loosed in heaven. What are the things you have bound on earth and yet they are the things that would be saving you.? What are the things you have spoken against yourself and yet they are negative?

Speak life to your wife. Speak life to your children. Speak life to your academics. Speak life to your business. Speak speak to every corner of your life. 
Job , because he was into challenges, the devil wanted him to speak Ill. His wife wanted Job to curse God and to curse everything for "betterment". Whatever they meant by betterment. The challenge that devil had imposed on job was to trick him into using his tongue wrongly. However, he never spoke wrongly or cursed his God. 
Many times challenges may be oppressive, but never let your tongue speak negative. God's timing is perfect. Continue to speak good. 
Let  the sick say am healed. Let the weak say am strong. Your word is your world.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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