Matthew 5:30

And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
Many times, Jesus used parables to teach . What He said needed interpretation in order to understand. He used parables to harmonize between offenders and those that truely needed to listen to the word.

Unfortunately, many have spotted some verses and tried to use them the way they are in order to satisfy their desire. They have done this to affirm their say about what should be done rather. Just to have an example, some people say that what goes into a man does not make him unclean rather what comes out of him is what makes him unclean. Just to satisfy an appetite, some people have related this to food. Anyway, the continuing verses don't talk about food. They talk about the interpretation of the parable.

If we were to plainly take Christ's teaching and not draw spiritual meaning to it, then our whole body will be no more since we will be cutting piece after piece...due to our sinful nature. The mouth that spoke angrily would be cut off. They eye that saw what is not supposed to be seen would be removed. But this also was a parable of Christ. 

What makes you sin should be thrown out rather than holding onto it and die the whole of you plus it. You may have a group of people that you like to commune with. But these same people make you to sin every day by what they do and what they say. What they do is sinful and what they also say is sinful. This means that if they continue with what they do, they will go to destruction and that if you also continue to cling to them , you will also go to destruction. You and them will go to destruction. 

Therefore, it is better for you to remove them from your life and save yourself from destruction other than cling on them and lead to destruction.
There are many things we love and cling on yet they make us to sin all the time. It better to throw them away and let purity prevail. It is better to loose your enjoyment through them for the sake of purity and have external enjoyment.

My dear, when we talk about eternal enjoyment, it is something that at times is hard to fathom. Eternal is not 10 years. Eternal is not 150 years. At 150 years here on earth someone has lived to see his or her great grand children and is a hero of time...yet Eternal is not close to that. Eternal is not 1000 years , not 1000,000 years not 1000,000,000 years not 1 trillion years. It not timed. It is just time for good. Having something to loose for just the period of time you are here on earth and gain all that God has for you in the eternity is something you need to think about. As you think about wealth and living good life on earth, please think more about your after time on earth. Throw it and let purity.

                 GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  111th msg


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