Jeremiah 33:6

Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.
The mighty hand is here. The Lord is passing by. Tell Him your needs. Tell Him your pains. Tell Him your dreams. Tell Him about those that go against you....your adversaries. The Spirit is moving here. His power flows like streams of mercies. 

The streams of miracles are here.

Whenever God decrees His word, His Spirit goes out to work upon it. The Spirit is the engine of God. The engine of your miracle is flowing in these streams today.

God's promises are yes and amen. What He says He will do much more. What He says He will see it to accomplishment. There is no need to worry and weary yourself. The word of God is powerful. His word penetrates even to that that divides souls and spirits. This means that His word is more effective and efficient than we may think. We are here because of the word of God. We are heading to where God has planned for us because of His word. 

When His word in Jeremiah 33:6 says that...."nevertheless...." Such a phrase means that regardless of whatever is on ground, the word will come to pass. 
My dear, regardless of the worst news that you have heard. Regardless of the pains you have gone through. Regardless of the medical report. Regardless of the theft you had recently. Regardless of the failures you have encountered in life. Regardless of the family background you came from. Your parents may have been poor. And perhaps are still poor. Regardless of all that, God has brought good health.

The miracles are here in abundance. The streams of favor are flowing to your paths. The streams of healing, intelligence, good relationship, good children, good job, good education are all flowing regardless of whatever has gone through your life. 

A famous woman of strength - ophrah Winfrey had a rude background. She was raped and abused in her youth-hood. But nevertheless, she inspires many. She never regarded her background as an excuse for failure and not encountering success. She used that as a foundation for inspiring many that everything is possible.

Our God is alive and lives in you. He has plans that are beyond your now. The now course may seem leaking and bent... nevertheless, your future is different.
Abundant miracles at your threshold. You gonna be somebody better than what you are at the moment. There is a future that is being baked in the spiritual realms . It will come to you regardless. Believe. Whatever it is good or bad, sorrow or happiness, God's purpose for your life will surely come to pass.
                      GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  133th msg


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