Joshua 1:8 

Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
The word of God is active, it is sharper than a double edged sword. It builds and is capable of destroying. They overcame the devil by the word. 

When Christ overcame the devil using the word, it was not a thing of let me go back home and read within scripture. It was not a thing of let me first go and see what the priest says and I will remember the word of God and get back to you. He had the word by heart. The word was written deep in Him. Now being written in Him was not a magical event and their He was , having a loaded chip of scripture. No. He meditated.
 On several occasions, Christ read from scripture and on several occasions, He left His disciples and went to meditate in quiet places personally.

 It was through such meditations than the word got rooted in Him. He became rooted in the word.
We cannot be familiar with the word of God if we don't go to silent places and think deeply upon God and His word. We need to have silence and think about the word day and night.

Many sermons have been taught at your church, but how far have you moved in regards to the number of sermons that have been taught.? Do you see great change in you and your life because of the word that have been taught to you.? How often do you revise those sermons and get your key word at your figure tips.

Do not let this book depart from your mouth.... will be careful to follow all that is written in it....and will be prosperous. 

Prosperity of us believers comes from the seeds of God's word in us. The seed of God's word in us bears fruits when we go back to it and water it by meditation. It is through meditation that we get rooted in the word. It is through getting rooted in the word that we prosper.

The word of God is a map that gives us direction when we feel lost. The word of God is light that shines in us when feel darkness. It is power of Christ that works in us. You need the word of God to climb the hills of life. You need prosperity, you need healing, you need favour; it is all written in the word. Dig deep in the word and you will find your keys to real life . Be rooted in the word.

                       GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  124th msg


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