Job 28:28

The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom,
and to shun evil is understanding.’”
There is a depth of reality than mere advancement. There is deeper wisdom and intelligence than what the world thinks they have. The world thinks they have attained greater wisdom. And that compared to their ancestors, they are in the age of advancement. They think they are wise. Yet besides their wisdom sits immortality and all sorts of abominations.

Any way, they could be right; they have become wise in the ways of darkness. They know clearly how to do wrong yet still "justify" their acts.
 But then what is true wisdom, because if it is true that they have become wise but in the ways of darkness; then we should understand what true wisdom is. True wisdom is a quality of being enlightened about the rightful standards against wrong ones and yet pursue right ways due to the odds that out weigh the wrong deeds. It means one is aware about the left and the right....he takes on the right because he knows about the long lasting fruits that the right produces. True wisdom is not seeing what is now and think satisfaction now is ; it is understanding that the left side is temporary and the right side is eternal.

However, Understanding what is fully right and the fruits of doing what is right does not come from the mere intelligence of the brain. Understanding that, comes from fear of God and shunning what He hates. Fear of God means that you know what God can do to you if you never change your bad ways. You fear and truely respect the values of God. You fear that letting God down will let your soul down too. You fear that leaving God in any way will ruin your soul. Fear in a way of upholding godly values, is doing what is right. Obeying His word, reading His word, fellowshiping with His children. 
Such acts of fearing and regarding God highly brings about wisdom.

Upholding and regarding God highly brings the spirit of God closer to you. The spirit of God is a spirit of knowledge. It is He that made knowledge. It is He that brought forth wisdom. Wisdom is under Him. Understanding is under Him. He is more than wisdom, knowledge and understanding. He controls them all. Upholding Him in your life is driving your soul toward streams of knowledge and true wisdom.

Do everything to please God. Daniel pleased God and he was regarded as the most wise in Babylon. He was taken to be wiser than the great magicians of Babylon. His wisdom was thought by the Babylonians as that of gods. It is true wisdom that will make you wiser than the wisest on earth .
 Reaching a point of being regarded as having god-like wisdom means you have reached a point of fellowshiping with gods. And our fellowship with our God is known; read His word, pray and fast with Him.... Whatever brings you closer to God is what brings fellowship between you and the Spirit. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  125th msg


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