Philippians 4:12 

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
It is one measure of peacefulness all the time. It gives the soul satisfaction and limit unwanted yarning.

Being content is a state of mind and heart. There is one language that sounds in both sides. The mind says, " I have, and what it is - is enough for now. " The heart says, " I am glad I have ". As the mind definitely knows that all that is around is just good to make life happy, the heart listens and becomes glad. 

Many times, because of anxieties, we have chased things that are beyond our reach. And because we see others enjoying life at a given high scale , we try to spend and strain what we have . We try to spend beyond our means . We try to emulate lifestyles that are not in our circumference to live. This has led many to backslide financially and resource-wise . 

A player was doing well. He won a team competition and was given a million dollar of cash. He was excited that he was now a millionaire and can dine with the rich . Of course he was a millionaire just because he had a million dollar to his name. 
He spent lavishly his money. He went to high class hotel. He went to high class vacations and holiday places. But all went high and came down to where it was before. He went back to his original state. It was like sea water rising because of intense pressure of wind . The wave goes high, but later they return to where they were.

Many of us have responded to intense pressure of winds around us. We have gone on to give to such pressure more than we are supposed to . We have failed to live within our means. Because friends have told you that there is a good product worth your money, you buy since there is money. Content is not just satisfaction of what you have but also knowledge and awarenesses of your position, the future and your take on that. It is also living life sentiently .

Content is a balance between high and low. When you have, give thanks to God. When you lack, thank God for the breath. Just be happy that God is in control of everything and you are safe. When you hold a million dollar be happy that you have. You can actually try to relax with it for one month or even a year. That will release anxiety as it also gives you enough time to plan for the best use and investment of the cash. When you lose the money from the account just because you have invested it and things never worked out, be content. Thank God that you are still alive and can be happy again. You still have your brain interct...and can make it again.
Let not worries and abundance dictate what kind of thing your soul becomes. Some people become rude and mad at everyone because they have large sums of money. And also some become rude and mad when they lack a coin to their name.

 Content is a neutralizer. You feel having much and having little is all the same. Whether you have or you don't, God still loves you. You still remain you and will still be what God made you to be for a purpose. God will never leave you in lack. Content means you know God will still provide. You only need to stand still and see His hand of Providence.
                      GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  139th msg


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