Revelations 21:23

The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.
In this world, we are like a passing breeze. We are here today, yet we are not tomorrow. There is a world that we a supposed to live in. This world is a testing moment. It is like a test tube. The mighty one is testing each of us to see which world we will earn .

Christ in His return to heaven left several promises. And one of them is that He has gone to prepare a house and houses for those that believe. He has gone to prepare the glories of heaven. We are as His children have a night here on earth; the night in which we are the light, but later we will flip over to the lights of the mighty heaven.

God in His making has made the earth and heaven a little far different. What is in heaven is incomparable to what is on earth. And what is happening on earth is very different from what is yet to come for those who believe through Christ. What is to come is far more glorious and far more magnificent. The glories to come are beyond our imagination.

The Bible rightly says that who knows clearly what God has prepared for those who faithfully follow Him.? That who can imagine what God has ....what glories will present when Christ comes back.? That the city does not need the sun or the moon ...for the glory of God and His lamb are the lamp. ..who can imagine such mathematics. Having two beings to shine in the whole heaven. Heaven is more huge compared to the universe. And if the sun we have doesn't shine the whole universe, then how do two persons...God the Father and His Christ, be the light. ? That means no one can imagine. It's can't clearly be put into science fiction and extreme imagination. What the computer may imagine as glory may not be any where near what the real glories are . They are beyond.

Let's not chase after the things of this world at the cost of our souls and salvation. Fight for the glories that are in eternity. The world we live in is temporary. But the fact that many people can't fathom what eternal living looks and feels like, then it is hard to imagine the joy, the happiness and all the glories that awaits us. 
You can imagine what happiness you can get when you get rich but you can't imagine the happiness you will get when Christ is revealed. Just push on . Be holy like God is holy. For no one will see God without holiness. Leave iniquity that deprives you of the spirit of the almighty. The Lord is preparing everything in unimaginable goodness for those who faithfully seek Him.
                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                     126th msg


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