2 Chronicles 30:20

But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, “May the Lord, who is good, pardon everyone 19 who sets his heart on seeking God—the Lord, the God of his fathers—even if he is not clean according to the rules of the sanctuary.” 20 And the Lord heard Hezekiah and healed the people.
Many times, the world has done what is contradictory to God. The world may have been ended if there was no reason for God to continue with such a project.
The project that He set up from the times of Adam and Eve. One of creating a harmonious relationship with still here. But He - as the project manager has the power to end the deal and start another.

But have you ever wondered why the world has not ended yet. Yes you may say the Lord still has the grace. Well , that sounds right. But the grace comes not from thin air. Even if it is said that grace is not worked for, but to my conviction, grace has a reason for it's existence. And the reason may not just be with the bearer but the reason is with the recipient. 

This therefore clearly means that grace that still holds the world is backed up by reason that is found here on earth. God finds reason here in order to still hold His grace. 
The Israelites had sinned against God. Many times, the Lord wanted to destroy them with fire...I mean destroy them all. But many times, His grace presented and He declined His fierce actions. However, when they sinned, Moses and the others went before God and repented on behalf of the people. They interceded for the whole group. It was such intercession that declined God's anger and the group was safe again.

In the above scripture, we see how Hezekiah stands in for intercession. The people had sinned against God's standards and deserved punishment. But Hezekiah prayed unto God. Verse 20 says that God heard and healed them. It was after the intercession that God came in for healing.

The world is still standing because of the INTERCESSORS. There are intercessors in the Heavenly realms and earths. Jesus along earthly saints intercede. Every grouping that desires grace to stand needs heavenly and earthly intercessors. You as a child of God should pray for your group. Pray for your country. Pray for your school. Pray for your family. Pray for your church. Pray for your neighborhood. You need to call the blood of the lamb of God that is powerful above all blood. Call upon the name of the Lord that has power to break all evil strongholds. Intercede. Intercession makes you stronger. It makes you be like a pillar that supports a very tall building. Without you - the pillar, the building could fall. But because it stands, it means you are stronger and deserve more rewards from our heavenly father.
When you pray, God will heal your land.
                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                    137th msg


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