Deuteronomy 33:27.

The eternal God is your refuge,
and underneath are the everlasting arms.
He will drive out your enemy before you,
saying, ‘Destroy him!’
In Him I give my all. In Him I trust.
God is one person that we who are saved by the blood can trust with all our all. He is faithful to His word. He is merciful to those that need His mercies. He cares for those that need His care. He loves to those that need His love.

Many times we as believers in the almighty God and His son have lost hope when we are confronted by a fleet of our enemies. We have lost the faith due to the helplessness that we feel. We feel lonely and insecure. 
Such feelings arise as you forget about your identity as a son of the most high.

You need not to worry. Mountains may come your way and seem to be overtaking you. Enemies may seem stronger than you. Don't lose the hope. God is your fighter. He is your refuge. 
When David confronted Goliath, people around him started to fear on his behalf. Yet within his heart, he well knew that the God he serves is able to rescue Him. He went to the fight while he was geared by the belief. And he won. No matter the number of weapons he carried. He simply went with stone. People told him to try having better weapons, but he knew, better weapons are not better than his refuge. He knew God is the one to fight this war.

When looking at Shadrach, Meshach and Abdnego; we see their level of strong belief in their refuge. The king demanded that they may worship his god or else they will be thrown into the furnace. They confidently replied that they will not do as the king orders them but as their God orders. They will not bow to the image nor worship anything other than the living God. This however made the king more furious and ordered that they should be thrown to the furnace. Still the three men never feared nor were they shaken. This is so because they had confidence in their refuge. They were not burnt and were still taken out not burnt. This may sound like fiction. But it was real. God is more than able. He can do more exceedingly.
Just have faith in your refuge. Believe that He is able. He is able to love you the way you need. His able to heal you the way you need. He is able to fight off your enemies the way it deserves. When you trust Him, He will command his angels concerning you and saying," destroy them... those enemies".

                         GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi 
                                  127th msg



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