Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
It is Living and active, sharper than a double edged sword. 
The word of God in spirit is seen in forms of fire and it is breathing. The more you have it, the more the fire. The more you contain it, the more the breath.

How many times do you read the Bible in a year.? How many times do you read the Bible in a day?. If you do read occasionally; how many times do you meditate on whatever you read daily. When it is said that meditate upon it day and night and then you will be able to understand and obey what is written in it, it means meditation is one way of mastering the word.

God's word has the power to turn your life around. Channeling the message everyday to your soul through the power of meditation will bring full life to you. The breath of the word of God has power to heal. The breath of the word has power to deliver those that have been chained by demons.

Applying the word is likened to use of medicine or smearing oils. You can't use them just for once and you get the instant change. Having medicine cure your illness properly requires you to take it at alocated times... until you are done. When you are done, there your healing will be complete.
You can't read scripture once a year and expect a powerful change to occur over time. Well, there will be something good that happens to you when you read the scripture. But that cannot go all around the year. It means if you want change over time, you will need to read the scripture over time.

 And by the way, even having better understanding of the same verse and chapter . One thing I have seen is that repeating a verse gives you a different dimension of understanding. For example, there are scriptures I used to read when I was a little younger and even some few years ago, but when I read the very scripture now, I see it at a better angle. So still , you can do reading and meditation on the very scripture you are familiar with. It will create dimensions of understanding that you couldn't have comprehended if you didn't read it. It will accumulate power and fire cumulatively. The word of God is powerful. It has the power to divide what the devil had joined. It has the power to join what the devil had divided. The word is a map in times of darkness. Read and think about it all day.
                      GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  136th msg


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