Matthew 6:20

But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
Heaven is not built by clay...not by human hands. The materials that build earthly treasures are not the materials that build heavenly treasures. There is a material that you need to send to build your heavenly fraternity.

Many times, we wake up to accumulate wealth consciously. We strive to get what we call wealth on earth. We do that consciously. But many times, our wealth is left for earth and never follows those that depart. 
Storage of heavenly treasures is a little unique. It involves the conscience mind and doing things that leave a mark in the kingdom of heaven.

You can use your wealth to build the heavenly treasures. Heavenly treasures that are built by the strength of God's kingdom on earth require things that are fruits of the spirit.
Use your wealth to give to the needy, in so doing, you add building blocks to your heavenly house. Use your heart to this you store the reward in heaven. Show kindness... 

There are gifts that God has placed in each of us. Especially those that are spiritual gifts. Within scripture, it is said that He called some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be pastors, others to be evangelists and others to be teachers. Using your inner talents to serve in the kingdom of righteousness is storing your treasures in heaven. Working with your hands to build the kingdom of God on earth is storing you treasures in heaven. Heaven is free gift. But the treasures in it are given to those who have labored for Christ. However, though it is a free gift, the unrighteous can't make it there. So , however much it is a free gift, you need to see to it that you live a holy life. And besides living a holy life, build your treasures in it.

Set your heart to making the church a better place for the children of God. Not just physically, but also spiritually. Pray for God's people. Pray for your nation. Pray for your church elders, and pastors. Do all this with all your heart. Have full conscience and full willingness as you drive your hands through all these. Do this without expecting human rewards. In so doing, you will be storing your treasures in heaven. A place where thieves can't break in and steal. A place of tranquility. Doing all these will give ultimate peace and joy.
                      GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  130th msg


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