Romans 8:31

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
There was nothing that God would show that He loved us besides this. Sending His only son for our sake.

A couple of times we wonder as to whether God ever cares about us. We go through life with questions as whether God knows about us and has any concern for us. 
The sending of the prophets was not enough. The dividing of the red Sea was not enough. The raising people from the dead was not enough. There was more that God thought of doing to pour out His unlimited love unto us. Sending His only begotten son is nothing cheap to God. He put heavy value to that.

 It was one Thing that moved His Spirit and linked Him much closer to humanity. In fact , when He did that, He too was in awe of the marvelous thing He did. The coming of Christ to the earth moved heaven so greatly; angels appeared at His birth... Angels appeared at His death and angels appeared at his Ascension to heaven. Angels appearing at these different events showed how heaven was moved at His being on earth. What we received was more than gold.

Now, if God was able to send someone that was more than gold unto us, then He is able to provide all that we desire in the earthly realms.
God is able to give you all your heart's desire as much as you need them. He is much able to supply all your needs than you think you can. The love that He showed through sending of His son shows how much ready He is to provide you , for the purpose of making you happy. It shows how much Ready He is to give all that you need with all His heart. God is love. He loves you more than you may think He does. You may not comprehend His mighty love. You may not touch it. But He deeply loves you. 

The tears that Christ cried that were of blood were not tears of death but tears of painful love. If they were tears of death , then the other two men who were crucified with Him would also cry blood. But they didn't. Those bloody tears show the painful love that He carries. Such love cannot let you suffer for nothing. It Can't let you be desperate on earth for no good reason. He has a more better purpose for you than you may think. God loves you dear friend. He is willing to graciously give you all your needs. The future He has ahead of this trial is far better than this. You are His child. The streams of His love flow endlessly. They are mature and ready for you. You are His and He is for you. His eternal love shall never end.
                       GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  135th msg


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