Mark 16:17.

And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Jesus is risen. And like He said that He will destroy the temple and in three days He will rebuild it. He has done so. He is living amongst us. The power that was meant to manifest after the great event of His resurrection is now here.

The power is swimming among us. There is an empowerment that we have as believers because of the great event of resurrection. 
It is when Christ died and rose that He promised to send us a helper. It is when He resurrected that Christ gave us the power to step on scorpions and will see no harm. He gave us the power over sickness. He gave us the keys to open the heaven.

We have got power over darkness. We being His brothers and sisters have the power to control and rule in royalty.
Tap into this misterious power. Harness all these energies. You have been made great. Put out your hand in faith and sip the power. Everything God made you for has been made available and complete by the risen Lord.

Tapping into these is by faith. Believe that you have become a new creation. The old has gone away. Believe that your sins have been taken away and that you have been made new. Believe that He that lives in you now is not he that used to live in you before. Christ has made all things new. He has made the impossible happen. He has created ladder to heaven for us to walk on. We are now free From being slaves to fear. 

We have been empowered. We have been made whole. The might man that God desires of you has been made complete in you. You are greater than the former. He says in His word that forget the past. The past has gone. See...that He is making something new. This means that whatever held us captive in the past, we should forget. Whatever sin that enslaved us, we should forget. He has made something new.
The power is here.

Whatever your problem, you have been made above it. You can lay your hands on the sick and they will get well. In the name of Jesus, you can drive out demons and they will obey. You can speak in tongues and nothing can stop you. The signs of the misterious power will follow you all the days go your life.
                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  129th msg


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