Job 42:6.

Therefore I despise myself
and repent in dust and ashes.”
Many times , those that backslide from right paths , do so because of a spirit that they hold tight onto. They feel they are in the right and don't desire correction.

Yes , it is the feeling of being the right and the other being the wrong. It is that spirit of rigidity that has suppressed many souls allover the world. 
Many of them, because of guilt, have failed to humble themselves. This is because humbling yourself means despising yourself and regarding someone else as better and right. And that that person's call will make you better. 

Repentance begins by us having a heart of pity upon ourselves and seek for salvation from that one who can help. The scripture says..."despise myself...and repent". 
It begins with the mind of lowness . A mind that has accepted defeat. A mind that has become desperate for salvation. It begins with the soul that is full of that nolonger considers self as right.

Such a soul is conscious of the acts that have made her impure. This means that in order to begin the page of repentance, one must understand the acts that have demolished the Spirit of God that used to thrive. Understand clearly what has been done to take away purity. Count them on the list and present to God. Such a move helps a soul despise her self. And this is where repentance starts from. 

Having self esteem in the wrong that is done yet still say you are right, is foolish. Within scripture, the Lord says that if we say we haven't done any wrong, then we make God a liar . 

Looking at ourselves and looking at God, there is a clear definition of the two. God is above flesh and is perfect. This is so because He created it all and no scale can be used to gauge His perfection. It is like a teacher who asks question to student. The student fails the question. Yet the teacher passes the very question. The student Failing the question simply means he is not the creator of the question. The teacher being perfect with it is because he is the creator of the question. To man, he is flesh and imperfect. Our lives are full of questions that drive us to making decisions. Some decisions are good and others are wrong. Failing to make right decisions means you are not the creator of the questions that follow life. Being imperfect means you were not the creator of it all. God is perfect....He made it all.... He knows it all. Despise yourself and repent. Seek righteousness from God who has all the answers. God is good all the time. He loves you and wants to have a relationship with you. Seeking His kingdom and His righteousness is one route to the relationship.
                    GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  131th msg


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