Psalms 31:15

My times are in your hands;
deliver me from my enemies
and from those who pursue me.
God made man in His image. He gave him His own breath. Inside the flesh, He wired nerves and vessels. He set up emotions. He set up bands of thoughts on which the man will move. He set up the soul and spirit for man to take charge.

The good news is , it is not man who created himself. 

It is not the problem of man that he has challenges on this land. It is not your problem that you face what you face. It is not you who decided that you should face problem x at time y. There is a power that is control. It is not by your might that you have come this far, there is a power in control.
It is not in your power that you will go to the future you think, there is a power in control. 

The devil is stronger than we are without Christ. He was a might angel in heaven before he was thrown to the earth. He was created from many precious minerals. His strength is no where compared to you who is created in clay. There is a power that makes us strong and stronger than the devil.

The power of God makes us stronger than the devil.

God our Lord is in control. God is in control of all our lives. He is in control of all our future. If the devil is stronger than we are, that clearly means that whatever we dream of could not come true if God was not on our side. God is in control. Lucifer, the king of darkness never wishes us good. We couldn't have come this far with life if we were all alone. We have come this far because of the power of Christ that works in us. That power is behind all our being. It is the power that drives us.

Worrying alot about your life will not add bread to your table. Worrying about the life you didn't create will not save you from hunger. Your flesh was made by God the almighty. Whatever goes through your life, God knows. He is in control. It is Him who formed you in your mother's womb. He is responsible for you. He will take care of you. He will see your life become Happy. He will turn things around as He desire. Where you are is not strange to God. Where you are is a place God has put you in order to culterpault you to new realms.
                      GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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