Isaiah 26:3

You will keep in perfect peace
him whose mind is steadfast,
because he trusts in you.
Because of atmospheres of trials and persecutions, many of us tend to struggle out our own way without calling unto the father.
It is common that whenever you are buried into a problem, you tend to forget and try your personal luck out of that problem.

It is not how much you try that will set you free from that that has pressed you against the wall. As Christians, we clearly know that our war is not against flesh and blood. Our war is against the principalities of this dark world. We have occasionally talked about the number of times the devil is at work in this world. He doesn't work just on Monday, he doesn't just work on Tuesday...nor does work on Wednesday. The devil runs to and fro this world. He seeks for whom to destroy. He runs day and night throughout. 
And yet , we don't work day and night. We work and have rest. We don't pray day and night. We pray and have sleep. But to the devil and his untiring agents, they work day and night even when we are asleep.

That clearly means that we are not living alone. There is someone who also works day and night; who is fighting the battles. That person also never tires. He is never worn out. He is fully empowered and runs as you sleep. We cannot solve all of our life problems. We can only trust that person to fight for us. His name is Jesus. Trust in the Lord...and you will have peace. Thinking round and round your problems will not bring you peace . It is peace by trust. Just let everything go into the hands of God. 

Now , like the Bible has described a character of one who trusts in God, that person has a steadfast mind. A steadfast mind is one that is focused to one thing and not switching from one to the other. It is a mind that looks at God alone and knows that for sure, all is well when there is God. That mind gets peace by trust.  
Just settle your mind today. Just relax today. Just stop to think too much of your troubles. Just stop worrying about your ends. When God is on your side, nothing will press you to death or to shame. Trust in God alone. Don't trust something else. Have God in your mind as a sole fighter. Let God take control of what He is supposed to control. There is a hope beyond your day today.
                       GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  144th msg


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