Matthew 19:26

 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
There are things, as human beings that we put limit to. There are parameters that we have set to define a definite real end. Though there are some parameters that in nature, we have still gone on to make them definite and no other way. For example in nature, we know that the deaf will not hear sound waves and that they will definitely not hear that by any means. We know that the blind will not see anything that is physical, and we definitely rule out that.

Yet , there is a super power that is beyond natural rules and makings of human civilization. There is a person that is not subject to such laws . There is a realm that is not driven by human natural laws. And that when we speak of deaf not being able to hear, it is not understood by beings from a higher dimension of living. The law in our world will tell you that weight makes an object sink into the water; yet laws of supreme realms don't line up with that. To them such objects can possibly walk on water.

Have you ever wondered what happens to the person who created such laws? Don't you think that He is able to manipulate them at will? However much there is a law of gravity that requires objects to fall back to a celestial body like the earth; don't you think the maker of such law could possibly say let objects float at will under their own force.?

You may think that since the doctors told you that your sickness can't heal, there is definitely no way that such will ever leave you. You may think that since your parents believe they were cursed with poverty, poverty will by no means leave nor forsake you.
If you think so, you're simply drowned in human limitations. 
There is a power that can turn things around. There is name that is above every other name. There is a God that is above every other god. He is much able to do more than you think. When the above scripture says that all things are possible, all means nothing is left behind. What our God is capable of doing is beyond our wild imagination. It takes faith for you to tap into the mysterious power. All things are possible.

                       GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  153th msg


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