Genesis 41:49

 Joseph stored up huge quantities of grain, like the sand of the sea; it was so much that he stopped keeping records because it was beyond measure.
There was a moment Joseph was suffering in the hands of those who hated him. At times , they would deny him food just because of the hatred that they had against him. He was thrown away and tossed like nothing. But in all these, he hoped in the Lord. 

He was taken up to Egypt and suffered his turn. The turn was done. The patience was now to pay off. Joseph was given responsibility of taking care the king's house. He was promoted to heights of a minister in a foreign land. Because of his skills; that had been accumulated through his troublesome experience, he was entrusted the responsibility of collecting food in preparation for the coming 7 years of famine. His cumulative skills enabled him to collect enough of grain and money throughout the country. The cumulative skills and character of perseverance had reached to heights of abundance.

Do you know what would happen if you persistently grew your character? Do you know what would happen if you persistently grew your skills day after day? There is a height of abundance that awaits. Joseph collected grains till he was not able to measure. Imagine God blessing you to a point that you don't know how much of the wealth you have. He blesses you till you don't know how many of the friends you have. You go to heights of abundance where you don't know how much of love that you receive.

The heights are of no mere coincidence! There is route that you are to take. Within yourself, there is person that you are supposed to be. 
You are to be one that consistently fears God and His word. You got to embrace trials and learn from them. It is them that will sharpen your skills. It is such that will cumulate your abilities. They will grow till they reach heights of abundance. Never give up. There is an absolute point in time ;that what you have persistently invested your whole in ,will turn out to be abundance. There is a height you will definitely reach. Continue to do what you do...your quantities of grain will be immeasurable.

                 GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi 
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