Matthew 7:7

 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
Because of the thoughts that some otherworldly being is behind your downfall, many of us tend to complain than to do what would help .
Many times, we have wasted lots of times in complains and heaping of blames. 

On the side of blames, we blame our parents for the poverty we have encountered...; We blame our friends for the wrong direction that they told you to take; you blame your partner for not doing the best in what you had undertaken. You even reach a point of blaming God for not doing enough to solve all these.

There is just but one way to encroach on heavenly doors; it is making a petition. 

It has been rightly assured to us in the above scripture that whoever asks , receives; and that whoever knocks, receives. Do you think when the Bible clearly brings out three verbs that have to be integrated, is for nothing? Within scripture we are told to ask...have you seen that? Secondly, we have been told to knock? Thirdly, we have been told to seek. 

One greatest weakness we have before God whenever we go to Him when we are in need is that we simply ask and do not seek. You simply go and say, " I want money, I want financial breakthrough!". Yet you never seek. You never knock. 
Now, seeking is a word that is normally used to mean find out. It is a word that means that you want to make knowledge known to you. It means as you ask in the first place, seek to find out why you need the financial breakthrough. Well, you may say the obvious. But try to find out why God doesn't let you have it now. If there is a character that He desires you to develop so as to get to such levels, then seek and develop the character. You may be chasing after financial breakthrough, but if by any chance you got that, God knows your soul would be ruined. Seek God and find more about Him. Who do you think God is ? 
The doors are here, lest you be quarantined in blames; ask , and seek; the doors will obviously be opened for you.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi
                                  151th msg



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