Genesis 2:4

 _When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens— 5 and no shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth and no plant of the field had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no man to work the ground_
The Lord made the earth. Yet there was no shrub that had grown; there was no plant and vegetation that had sprung... because there no man to take care and there was no rain for it.

We see how God withholds growth just because there was no suitable person to take care of the growth. This clearly indicates that God let's growth be in place when there is a manager. God lets rains fall when there is a manager. God lets the economy grow when there is a manager.

On thing that God surely knows is that growth will come to your life if there is a manger. If you can become a good manager, then growth will come.
We have, at many times lost many things just because we lack good management. We get what we call a blessing, yet we lose it all just because we are not good managers. Everything flows and disappears.

This also explains as to why we see that many of the people that win alot of money normally go back to the same state they were in before getting the money. Someone wins a million dollar; and is literally painted as a millionaire. But after some time, they spend the money on luxuries and fancy things until it is all done. What follows is business of selling off their fancy things and commodities to settle debts and daily life demands. At the end, they become who they were before, just because they didn't manage it well.

There is a realm that God has set for you to dwell in. Such a realm desires one who is steadfast within and outside. It desires a personality of desires a good manager. One of the core things that let us behind is we are not in position to manage the next level. 
We also see how within scripture; three servants were left with talents. The two decided to reinvest them and the other one decided to keep them. The owner comes back and congratulates the other two yet disowns this bad manager. God is yet to promote you if you can prove to be a good manager. Just let good character thrive within. Build self-confidence. Build stronger awareness. Build the management skills. At the end of it all growth will be let to come to you.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
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