Proverbs 16:4

 The Lord works out everything for his own ends
Because of life that seems so much divided, we are inclined to think that there are different routes that serve different purpose. Of course, that would be the obvious thought for a human being. And also it may seem so.

When the devil approached God on account of Mr Job, wouldn't someone here think God should have chased him from afar? Obviously. We feel God should have nothing to do with the devil. 
But in as much as God let the devil carry on his mission, there is one load. The soul of Job was tried by God and yet tempted by the devil; yet in the end it was to be stronger for God. Job faced the happiness of wealth and family, yet he also faced the sorrow of sickness and deaths of loved ones. We would definitely rule out that there was a different route that Job had taken when he was stricken with sickness. Even his people thought that he had sinned an unforgivable sin and God was fighting. Nevertheless, all was one load. It was all working out for the good of the relationship Job had with God.

You may be faced with different tribulations and different temptations. Know that it is on the same route. Everything works out for the good of those who believe. The Lord himself works out everything for His own ends. There is a definite end that God is taking you to. Don't face persecution of the highest order and dare to think you are the worst of sinners. Don't face temptations of the high heights and think you are the chosen one for death...and there is no life for you. It is all working in one load. The end is for the good of the relationship that you have with God. 

Just try to be a Job today. Try to be a Moses this new day. Try to be Elijah. Put on the attire of peace. Let patience, tolerance and all that the great men had within them prevail in you. Don't be afraid. It is God working for His ends. You shall only see them and be over joyed . When the Bible says that the battle is God's and victory is yours. That is what it means.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  155th msg


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