Isaiah 12:2

 Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation .”
 It is not for nothing that there is weakness found within you. There is a downfall, there is an imperfection. Where we are weak, God is strong.
God wouldn't have been God to us if we were strong throughout and that there is no weakness found within us. 

The above clearly means that when you feel you are down, it is the point at which God has to work. The wisest of man's wisdom is the foolishness of God. Where man's greatest intelligence ends is where God's foolishness begins.
It means when you work your way out and feel you have reached the climax and yet there is still gap, it is the start of God.

Many times, we try to step in the space that God is supposed to take. We try to wear the shoes that God is supposed to wear. We try to solve challenges that are not meant to be ours. And because of such doing, the Spirit of God steps aside. We have occasionally limited the hand of God just because of stepping where he is supposed to. And yet by so doing , we never move the mountain before us.

Salvation is gotten from the Lord. It is therefore your role to go to Him when you feel down cast. Because God desires to create a relationship with you, He will let something come your way that He alone can solve; so that in the end, you have to run to Him and there your salvation is found - a relationship is made.

Cast your burdens unto Jesus and he will take care of them. Run to the Lord in times of need and he will surely come to your rescue. When you think something has become a sin and an addiction, just pour it all to the Lord and He will care for you.
When the above verse within scripture says that "surely God is my salvation"; surely means that there is a definite end and no doubt. When you call unto the Lord he will surely come to your rescue. When you pray, He will surely answer you.
Whatever it is trust in the Lord and you surely not be afraid; you will surely receive your salvation.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

# Simon kutosi  
                                  149th msg



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