John 5:17

 Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.”
Somehow we are have inclined to think that God stopped working the time he finished creation. We think that He does nothing but to view all that He created.

There are battles that go on in the spiritual realm. We are at times think that the devil fought with Micheal at once in heaven and that that was the end of heavenly wars. The mere fact that Daniel's Angel was captivated by demons and rescued at a later time, is the fact the heavenly wars still go on. The devil never stopped accusing. He didn't stop at it in heaven before he was thrown to earth. He accused Job. He still accuses many of us. Perhaps he accused you in heaven yesterday but one.

Anyway, all this goes on yet we on earth sleep , wake up and go around doing our daily jobs. We pray in the morning seriously and in the evening seriously. And maybe have silent prayers as we move through the day. What I mean is we don't fully devote to spiritual battles all the time. Yet Lucifer is devoted all the time to bring you down. Have you ever asked yourself; what magic is behind your living upto today.?
The answer is here within scripture. God works all for the good of those who believe. He is at work with Christ to this day. Christ intercedes all the time. The angels are fighting your battles all the time. There is great work that is going on behind the scenes all the time. You may have prayed and think God is not doing anything! That is just your thought but not the reality. The reality is God is doing something on your prayers. Daniel prayed and answer was delayed. Not by God, but by the continuous battles. Continue praying and weaken the strands of the enemy against you.

 You may think you have been embedded in poverty and that there is no way out. Daniel was in the Lions den yet behind the scenes, the king was sleepless. God was working for Daniel behind the scenes. There is a destiny God is working on - behind the scenes. It will be presented as a birthday surprise. It will be all ready for you to feast on. It will make you feel more fulfilled . Never worry about what goes on tommorow. There is great that God will present one day. He is working for your own good. Keep your hopes lighting....and will graduate from your sorrows one day.

                      GOD BLESS YOU

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