Genesis 2:7

 the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being .
The creation that God made from His own image looks glorious. It looks carefully and wonderful made. It never came from sorts of materials that look complete and immortal. It came from dust. Have you ever wondered why of all materials, God chose dust to make man? It sounds mind boggling as to how dust formed every tissue, bone and flesh . It forms blood, brain and all that we see human having. They practically don't look anywhere near dust, yet they came from ashes.

The wealthiest of Job's life was not formed from thin air. Job had to go through agony and torment for a long period of time...some say that it could have been for as long as 42 months, and others say that it could have reached 10 years. But all that is clear is that it was a long period of time for the ashes.
It was then that God remembered Job, He created beauty from the ashes. He made up wealth that was more than a double of Job's previous wealth. He blessed Job with children that were better than the previous ones. It was beauty from the ashes.

We see how God uses the things that seem useless to make beauty from them. Job was seen as a nobody, yet he was the cornerstone...he was the beauty that still inspires us to this day.

You may think that you have suffered too much, but it is where God is going to base on to build a beauty. You may think that you have been intimidated too much, but it is where God is going to base on to build a testimony that will inspire many. The greatest testimonies don't sprout form thin trials; the greatest testimonies sprout from great trials. They sprout from great ashes. It is what people call ash that God makes gold. People may call you dust now, but there is a power that is yet to make a copy of itself in that dust. Adam was formed in God's image, yet he was dust. The image of God's beauty is yet to manifest in you that they call ashes. The timeline is from Grass through Grace to glory. Keep trusting God in this month. Keep pushing on in this month. Keeping trying out. What may seem nothing is yet to became something.

                 GOD BLESS YOU

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