John 15:1

Remain in me, and I will _remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
However much God our creator is our father, there is a gap that He left for us to fill. There is an open software that He gave us to write instructions.
It is through such initiatives that we are able to bear better fruits.

Christ was given unto us as our mediator. He doesn't only intercede for us but also acts as a middle man of spiritual resources. It is when we abide in Him and Him in us that we receive such great gifts from our father. It is our role to remain in Him.

There are many people who have stayed in a relationship between them and God for a long period of time but don't bear the desirable fruits. There are those that have walked in a certain denomination as Christians but have failed to bear desirable fruits. They have failed to show true love. They have failed to show kindness. They fail to show compassion to their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Their failure is rooted in the fact that they have lagged behind in the filling up of the open software. They have failed to abide in Christ. 

We can't bear the fruits that our heavenly father desires us to if we don't remain in the vine that has been set for us.

But how do we remain and abide in the vine.?

Anyway, cars remain cars if they move along roads and planes become planes when they fly in the sky. If these were simply built to stay in one place, they wouldn't be called cars or planes. We cannot be called children of God if we don't run on his word. We can't be called children of the light of we don't move by the light.
Trials, temptations, and failure may come our way, but nothing should separate us from the love of the father. Whether you fall a thousand times, always remember to rise again. CLING onto the vine. Read the word everyday. Pray everyday, live holy every day. Walk as Christ walked. Do as he did. If you remain in him, you will bear fruits that the world doesn't bear.

                       GOD BLESS YOU

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