1 Samuel 10:6

The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person.
Did you know that the Lord said; in the last days, he will pour out his spirit unto all people. That they will prophesy, they will dream dreams, they will see the future. Prophesy is one of the pillars of Christianity. It is through prophesy that we are able to tell the future and act accordingly.

But what if I told you that you are part of this pool of oracles?...those that can dream the future, those that can prophesy, those that have the power to know the mind of the spirit. When the Spirit pours out, there is power to know the mind of God.

You are a divine oracle. The spirit of God has come upon you in power. You have been changed into a different person. You are no longer the Samuel, the Isaac, the Joseph, the Ephraim, Jonna..you are different.
One of the greatest people in African antiquity were diviners, foretellers. If you could dream and foretell, and what it was comes true , you were recommended as godlike. 
The power that they used to look for is here with us today. You can dream, you can see visions. There is no need to worry about what the future holds, you can see it through this power. Christ has gifted us throughout. 

Being a changed person means that you can do different things. You can do that that brings about change. You can change what you think is not changing. You may think that your situation is just too much for you, there is power here with you. It is a matter of you realizing such power and using it to the fullest. You are a divine oracle.

There is just nothing that devil can hide from you. The divine instinct that has been planted within your whole is able to reveal and show you better paths. The Spirit of God is upon you. Lead a life as a child of the Spirit. Lead a life as a prophet, as a seer. The future belongs to you.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

                                  167th msg


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