Deuteronomy 28:13

 The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.
God cherishes he that loves and walks by his doctrines. 
If you were a parent and your children never obey all that you tell them to do, what impression would you have about them? Obviously you will not like them. And if there are some among your children who faithfully walk by the rules that you put forth, you will love them better than the others.

We would not be a beauty in creation if we were not governed by rules. The mere fact that gravity pulls objects to the earth and it's a natural rule, is the fact that those that dominate the earth are under rules.

There is a thin difference between such natural rules and human based rules. Human rules were given to a mind that has a free will. You can choose to follow or you can choose to let go. However, following or let go has consequences!

You cannot say I have left the rules and say I am safe . You cannot say I follow the rules yet I gain nothing. No. The Bible is clear, what man sows so shall he reap. 
Within scripture, we have seen a lot of things that God has put forward for us to follow as we relate to him. He says that meditate on this word day and night and so you shall be prosperous. Live a clean life and you will be holy as your heavenly father is holy. Don't commit adultery. Don't steal. Don't grumble. Don't seek revenge.

Unfortunately, there are some of us who have decided to call some rules as rules and some as not rules. We feel some look rules and some don't look rules. The challenge is that whatever you feel, there are consequences to your actions.

The promises of God are yes and amen, yet to some, there are rules to follow. You have to purify yourself and leave that that is sin against God. Those that were faithful to God triumphed. Joseph was seduced by the evil lady, but he chose to remain pure. He thereafter became a minister in the very land. Job was mislead by his wife and friends but he remained obedient to God. He thereafter had more wealth than his previous life. And when Solomon tried to bend the rules, by taking as many wives as he wished; the consequences followed. 
Obey God in godliness and triumph.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

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