Revelation 21:15,27

 If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire....The City...Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
In the setting of the human challenge on the earth, many angelic employees have been assigned to write down proceedings from the earthlings. It is like a meeting of board members and staff where different secretaries have been assigned to take serious notes. These secretaries take notes from the emotions exhibited by all participants during different conversations in the meeting. Even body posture is recorded at different times from every participants to replicate body language in writing. Every single details is recorded. Actually when it also come to times of food, the response of participants is taken in notes.

Have you heard about a beautiful city in heaven? Have you ever thought about what it feels like to be left behind? And how do you feel when you think about your warm welcome to the city of gold , emerald, sapphire and all precious minerals? 

There are heavy writings going on as you read this. Angels have and are still recording all that transpires in your life. Did you know that sin and unclean things won't make it to that city? 
The statement of the above verse makes it clear differentiation. It says nothing impure...nor anyone who does what is shameful. The later is sin that humans do. Impure is all that is unclean. What you eat, what you dress, what you see, what you like hearing; there is pure and impure. 

The heavy weights of writings are really bulky, but there is this one special book that is written. It is one that has the true sons and daughters of light. They are the true relatives of Christ and products of righteousness. Do you think your name is written in the book of the lamb?. Many of us will feel we are not sure.

 But it's high time you got sure. Be aware of your character. Be clean and holy. Have nothing to do with impure things. Seek God from the deepest of yourself. Seek and understand God personally. As the angelic secretaries make writing about you, make your notes about you and your God. Know what you have done for God this year and plan what you will do for him next year. The heavenly achives are prepared every day. What does your day today record about you?

                    GOD BLESS YOU

 @Newrealms                              181th msg


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