1 Corinthians 2:9

 No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him”
Have you ever imagined many things and tried to go to the limit of that imagination? Have you ever thought about the limit above which human imagination can't go?
I mean human civilization has thought about various things from the time the world started. They thought of making fire...and they succeeded. They thought of making weapons ...they succeeded. They have been thinking from the time they were created. And every proceeding generation thinks better than the former one. The children think and grow to be better than the parents. It has been an evolution of minds and thoughts.

What do you think humanity has not thought about? Probably you may say nothing. Yet within scripture we see there are many things.

There is a mind that is outside our minds. It is the mind that holds all the universe. Now such a mind outside the universe definitely holds more than what we can think about. 
The children of God have been promised rewards that are beyond measure. They are beyond imagination. It so fascinating to think of something that you cannot imagine. Anyway, how can you think about it if your brain has no ability to imagine that. However much the advancement of science fiction goes to its limit, no one is able to imagine what God has for those who faithfully walk with him. It is the beauty that we have in the relationship with our God. The rewards in heaven have never been seen by any human eye. No one has heard about it. Not even the prophets. Not even the magicians. They are the greatest gift that is being prepared for us .

Continue following Christ no matter the situation. Continue doing good . Continue pursuing righteousness. The ends are immeasurable. You will receive your rewards in full. Be prepared for the coming of Christ. Your ends are far beyond your means to them. Your means of trials and persecution can't be anywhere near what God has prepared for you. You are richly blessed. Wherever Christ is, He is working for your immeasurable ends.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

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