John 5:5

 Now there is in Jerusalem... a pool,.. called Bethesda... 3 Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—.... 5 One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. 6 When Jesus saw him... and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”
The man at the pool had made it his daily business to get near the waters and wait for the usual to happen. He waited for the angel who occasionally came to stir the waters to come and do so at his favor.
He Did that but was all in vain.
Not until one day, Christ pays a visit...not to all those that were at the pool but just to this man who had been ill for 38 year. It was a surprise day to him. It was a kingdom surprise.

When we look into our lives, many of us have sat down with illnesses ,we have sat down with hopelessness, we have recurring failures. We have series of disappointments, relationship breakouts. We have been "buried" on the Lee ward side of life .
All we do is to make it our daily business to wait for a miracle.

The surprising thing about the waiting is that the angle at which we expect the miracle may not be the angle at which God has set our miracle. You may be looking to the east for the miracle to happen, but God may be on his way from the West. You may be looking at some people who you think will help you during this financial crisis, but God may be preparing your own pocket to produce finance. 

The beauty in this is that the wait is worth it. You cannot be left all alone with nothing. Patience pains but patience pays. Your laying your mat besides prayer and fasting will definitely yield the results beyond your expectations. You will not see it coming. God will pour out so much blessing that you will not be able to handle. You will be surprised. 

There is much that God is preparing for you than that that you have prayed for. You will be surprised of how much blessing you will beheld.
It will look ordinary..."pick your mat and walk"; but the power within it is great. It will twist your frame of life. Imagine what that man thought about when Jesus just told him to pick his mat, get up and walk. I mean he would have done that 30 years ago if it was the magic word. But because God wanted to use the ordinary to twist the extraordinary, he used the simple line.
There is something great that God is yet to do in what you may call small. You may call your business small, "it is just selling tomatoes"," it is just cleaning windows"," it is just pumping gas". But that is where the kingdom surprise lies. Just be into obedience and Carry on your labor each day. Do that that you need to do everyday. Lay your hopes by the green waters and wait upon the Lord. Wait in his word, within scripture. The little things that you have is what will build into a great knigdom surprise.

                     GOD BLESS YOU

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