Luke 15:20

 So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
The son was long gone. He enjoyed the world to his peak. He saw that the regulations within the father's house were not his level. He wanted to find "life".

There are times we become prodigal sons and prodigal daughters. We feel the standards that God has set for us, the church has set for us are no longer at our levels. We feel we have the ability to make our lives at whatever angle that we feel and think it should be. It is bad news for some of the prodigal daughters and sons. Some go wandering and never feel they should return. They feel the weight of sin commited is unforgivable in whichever manner of repentance. They feel they have lost their worth and all they are equal to is pig's food.

It is good new today, the return of 1 of the 99 brings celebration to the house of God. But have you ever wondered why the father of the prodigal son made a celebration for the one who had returned and not for the one who had stayed? Anyway some answer is within scripture. The Pharisees questioned Jesus why his disciples never fasted during time for fasting, but rather went around and picked grain as they ate. Jesus replied and said that when He is around, they have the source, and when He is gone , they will fast. His presence was a table already made, it was a celebration ongoing.To the son who had remained faithful to his father, he was through celebrations from time to time. 

He that is in the world gets a pinch of the love of the father. His coming back to the camp is worth of joy and celebration. 
If you think you have drowned into the world and feel no need of return, know that your return is of greater joy in the house of God. It is of greater celebration. Come back from wherever you have been trapped. Busy schedules may have trapped you. Evil relationships may have trapped you. Evil agendas may have drowned you. Look back to where you were with God. Backsliding is the reduction of the original standard that one had with God before. If you related at 70 and went to 60, that is backsliding. You used to give a tithe and no longer interested, that is backsliding. Renew the standard at which you used to relate with God. Renew the love that you had for his ministry. Return and make a new celebration within his house!

                     GOD BLESS YOU

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