Romans 15:13

 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible says that the tree planted by the river side does not wither. They produce fruits in all seasons. They are ever green. Such trees have a source of their life. 

As children of the most high, we were never left alone. Christ said that He will not leave us as orphans in this world. He said that He has gone to our father and He will send us a helper. Yes He did send us a helper. The holy Spirit moves within us to circulate blood of life. He moves to provide life.
Our source of life is not on this Earth. Our source and of life is not in the humans. Our source is in God. 

There are many times where we tend to complain and tend to cry. We tend to grumble and forget who we are . We forget where our life comes from. The spirit that is in us is of new birth and is of God. It is not ourselves who created the spirit within us. He that created the spirit is he that sustains it. It is not in your power to worry about this life that you didn't create. There is a power that is behind your is responsible for the succulence of it.

Run to God with all your heart. Run to this river of life. Run through prayers and supplication. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. He is much able to supply you with green pastures. He is much able to supply you with life; life in your family, life in your career.

When Daniel was faced with tribulations that were beyond his understanding, he didn't run to shedrach nor Meshach nor abnego. He even didn't run to the king to try to explain his real course. Daniel ran to God his supplier. It is there that God supplied life. Even Ruth during their difficult times, she ran to God. She didn't simply go to the king for her case to be nullified. They all ran to the source of life.

 God is more than able. He has done the best to make you happy. He sent His only son to die for you. How much more will he do for you when you pray to him. Ask and he will fill you with joy and peace. Trust in Him and you will overflow with hope by the power of the holy Spirit.

                    GOD BLESS YOU

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